Tina Dimitrova

Tina Dimitrova invests across fintech, B2B software and infrastructure at the growth stage. She is looking to back exceptional founders disrupting and creating categories across North America and Europe.

New York

About Tina

What is compelling about your domain?

Originally from Bulgaria, I spent my summers visiting family and recall hearing the stories of how inflation and the broken financial system affected their lives. At a young age, I didn’t fully grasp these concepts, so I studied finance in college. Coming full circle at BCV, where I invest in fintech, what is clear to me is that financial services are present at nearly every touchpoint in our lives, even if it’s not visible. Our world is built on incentive mechanisms and transfers of value. These products enable consumers to live their lives or companies to serve their purpose every day in some form or another, and that’s really exciting!

Do you have an investment ethos?

Passion, persistence, excellence, and humility, in no particular order.

What do you love about working for Bain Capital Ventures?

Every individual here is dynamic, committed, thoughtful, and empathetic! I’ve already made what I know will be lifelong friendships.


What are your interests and passions outside of BCV?

If I’m not scouting, diligencing, or helping companies, you can find me perusing through art museums, following the latest fashion trends, or desperately trying to improve my tennis backhand.

What is the first company you invested in?

Catch — I’m an investor and a user 🙂


What is a self-care ritual you practice?

FaceTiming my parents every day, even for a little bit!


4 years
2 years
3 years

Tina's Portfolio