New York

Ron Miasnik

Ron Miasnik spends his time on infrastructure investing in Israel along with incubations and early-stage investing in New York. He is energized by mission-driven, obsessive founders who envision building impactful companies.


What is the first company you invested in?

My first investment (not yet announced) is in a pair of founders that are building in the construction robotics space. I’ve known the CEO since college, when he used $500,000 from an angel investor to successfully build water filtration and distribution solutions in the developing world. I was fortunate to work with him and his co-founder for months to help develop their idea, and we led the round as soon as they left their jobs and went full time. Both founders are those rare people who make you feel energized and passionate after each conversation. I’m excited to announce the investment.

What do you love about working for Bain Capital Ventures?

Bain Capital is this incredible, expansive platform whose reputation, relationships and access spans far outside of early-stage startups and Silicon Valley. This makes BCV a special place to invest in and build companies — you get the innovation, agility, and disruptive thinking of Silicon Valley with the scale, connectivity and access of a large institution. How many venture funds already own hundreds of companies that can become customers for the startups they invest in?

What inspires you?

Israel has always inspired me. It is a young country run by a people that are nation-building for the first time in their history — in other words, it’s a startup being built by first-time founders. The fact that Israel has become such an economic and technology powerhouse is nothing short of a miracle. My grandparents moved to Israel to build the country in its early days, and I grew up traveling there every year and speaking Hebrew at home. I’ve planned tech delegations to Israel since college and worked as Chief of Staff at Aleph, an early-stage fund there. I feel fortunate to be leading BCV’s efforts in the country; it’s a privilege to do my part to continue supporting Israel’s economic prosperity.

What did you do before BCV, and how does that inform your work at BCV?

Before joining BCV, I was a bootstrapped founder, a venture-backed CEO and a product manager at early-stage, growth-stage and big tech companies. Now, as an investor, it’s important for me to stay close to building by incubating companies internally at BCV, and working with founders before they even have an idea. I believe that building companies makes me a better investor, and investing makes me a better builder.

What is a self-care ritual you practice?

I spontaneously call and FaceTime old friends to catch up with them!


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