Leslie Crowe

Leslie Crowe is an expert in building talent and culture at companies during periods of growth. Leslie collaborates with portfolio company founders and leaders, providing strategic counsel to successfully scale their organizations and capitalize on BCV’s extensive talent network.

Bay Area

About Leslie

What is the first company you invested in? Do you have any anecdotes from when you first began working together?

Karat – it’s an interviewing tool for engineers. I met the team while I was leading Talent at MuleSoft and we were looking for a way to scale our engineering interviewing capacity while maintaining a fair, consistent process. Mo and Jeff are so passionate about what they do and I loved the mission of the company so when I had a chance to invest, I hopped on it!

What do you love about working for Bain Capital Ventures?

So corny, but it’s the people! High aptitude, low ego, genuinely interested in building a great venture capital firm and, most importantly, helping our founders build great companies.


What are your interests and passions outside of BCV?

Before the last couple years, traveling; I maxed out my passport (with extended pages!). I especially love traveling where food is the center of the trip. And truthfully, even if it’s not, I find a way to make dining the center! More recently, hanging out with our toddler, which feels like a very different adventure but an adventure all the same. 🙂

What advice would you give your younger self?

Worry less about the plan, focus on the experience.


What is a self-care ritual you practice?

Reformer pilates. Despite the fact the machine looks like a torture device, I love it!


4 years
4 years
2 years
2.5 years
3 years
2 years
4 years


Welcome Our New Talent Partner, Leslie Kurkjian Crowe

By Ajay Agarwal and Enrique Salem Talent is unquestionably the critical ingredient in a growing company. At BCV we invest at the earliest stages of company formation, and over the course of two decades we’ve actively partnered with hundreds of founders to build businesses that define industries and generate tremendous enterprise value. Though the course…

Leslie Crowe 3 min read