Bay Area

Alysaa Co

Alysaa Co partners with early-stage founders building the next generation of fintech and application software products. She's looking to back world-class founders at the earliest stages who are building best-in-class products.


What is the first company you invested in? Do you have any anecdotes from when you first began working together?

I met Kathleen Chan, founder of Calico, at a start-up incubator house back in 2020 in Toronto. Her background as a multi-time founder and lived experience as a DTC business owner stuck out to me immediately. I’ve had the pleasure to support her as she’s built a world-class supply chain platform, and exemplified the incredible milestones that solo founders and female-led teams can accomplish.

What do you love about working for Bain Capital Ventures?

The camaraderie amongst the team is energizing; everyone rolls up their sleeves to help, truly a one-team mentality.

What are your interests and passions outside of BCV?

I’m an avid runner and novice rock climber — I ran the San Francisco half marathon 3 days after moving to the Bay Area! Aside from the outdoors, I’m passionate about all things Canada and love meeting folks from back home.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Age does not define ability, experience or outcomes. I started an imperfect fruits and vegetables company at 18. I often questioned my ability to build a meaningful business or make an impact in the world given my age. Overtime, this seeded doubt I only later overcame.

What do you look for when you partner with a founder?

A relentless attitude. Venture building has its ups and downs; founders who have lived the pain and have a fire to solve the problem they’re tackling are often the most resilient.

What inspires you?

My mom! As immigrants to Canada, she sacrificed endlessly to give me the opportunities I have today. I hope to make her proud in everything I do.


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2 years