Soona - revolutionizing photo and video shoots for e-commerce brands

“The depth of knowledge and resources is really unparalleled. We have been amazed by how many connections we have been able to make within the portfolio so quickly and how eager everyone is to work together."
Scott Friend: How did you originally get in touch with BCV? What were your early conversations like?
Liz Giorgi: BCV analyst Dawit Heck cold-outreached to me! I ignore about 95% of cold outreach emails from investors but Dawit had put together such a thorough and thoughtful email that I decided to take the call. I appreciated that BCV did their research and had a deep knowledge of the ecommerce space. It made it easy for our early conversations to be collaborative and productive.
And when we met you Scott, you were immediately convinced BCV was the right fit for us; as a founder in the commerce tech space yourself, scaling a company from seed to IPO, and you just implicitly understand what it takes to grow a business because you have walked in founder shoes. Plus, Scott and Dawit were just so approachable and open–and they still are and always answer texts, emails, or phone calls at any hour.
SF: Thank you for such kind words! How would you describe the nature of your relationship with BCV today?
The relationship is open and transparent. There isn’t a door that BCV isn’t willing to open if we ask. That gives us a lot of confidence about their conviction in their investment. BCV’s passion and energy has been really important to us as we do the grueling work of scaling.
SF: What do you appreciate most about working with Bain Capital Ventures?
LG: The depth of knowledge and resources is really unparalleled. We have been amazed by how many connections we have been able to make within the portfolio so quickly and how eager everyone is to work together.
SF: What inspired you to become a founder?
LG: My grandfather started a canoe outfitter in my hometown that was in business for 25 years. Being part of a family business is an experience that really shapes both how you see the world and how you see community. I was so amazed by the power of a business to help people have great experiences and live a better life. And how the business helped so many families by creating employment.
SF: What’s the best advice you’ve received about being a founder?
“Who you do something with is more important than what you do together.”
LG: Hayley and I were a successful team long before soona, but it’s the fact that we do it together that has made soona so special.
SF: What would you want other entrepreneurs and founders to know about working with BCV?
LG: BCV will do their homework, so be prepared to have an engaged dialogue from day one. This won’t be a boring introduction! Or a boring relationship!